Over 40 Rules that Guide the Hells Angels

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, the largest motorcycle club worldwide, has its roots in California. It began modestly, but over time it has grown impressively, covering five continents to form a global community for motorcycle enthusiasts. Despite starting small, it has stretched its wings across the world in a span of several decades, building a brotherhood for those with a shared passion for motorcycles.

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This unique group sticks to a minimal number of regulations — they’re crucial for the club’s continuous existence. Instead of bothering much about the official legal system, they strictly adhere to their club’s law. It’s almost like a religion to them. The rules the Hells Angels are committed to following might leave you astounded.

Becoming a Prospect

If someone wishes to join this renowned motorcycle club, they must begin their journey on a shaky footing. This involves interacting with current members and demonstrating their unwavering dedication to the group.

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Once their dedication and loyalty have been suitably demonstrated, they reach a stage known as a “prospect.” In this stage, they are allowed to be a part of certain activities, but they do not yet have the full rights that come with membership. This phase could potentially last between six months to two years.

Getting Voted In

Moving up to a Hells Angel isn’t a piece of cake. After going through a bunch of other tests and duties, the “prospect” who is set on becoming a part of this renowned motorcycle gang must take on the ultimate task. They need to earn a unanimous vote of approval from the rest of the club members.

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The person who wants to join has a chance to visit other members in the nearest Hells Angels location. Here, these members can ask the potential recruit any questions they have to finally determine if this is someone they would like to see welcome to Hells Angels.

Sacred Vests

To set yourself apart and help people recognize your group, it’s helpful to wear something that links you all. This is why the Hells Angels’ vests hold such importance. They serve as the group’s official symbol, deeply revered because they signify belonging to this individualistic motorcycle crew.

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The vests they wear, which can be made of either leather or denim, are deeply treasured by the group. They symbolize the strong bonds of friendship and loyalty among the club members. These vests are not individual belongings, they are property of the club. If a member has to leave the group or gets sent to jail, they must return the vest back to the club.

Follow the Dress Code

Beyond the holy garments that each group member dons daily, some branches have particular dressing rules for their members to abide by. These rules might specify wearing only black clothing, exclusively donning jeans, or even require apparel with a camouflage pattern.

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Implementing a dress code makes members of a charter appear unified and dignified. Everyone is required to wear the vest, presenting a coordinated image. However, the clothing worn beneath the vest can be individualized, allowing for different charters to be recognized. The adoption of the dress code also calls for a certain respect for the Angels’ reputation from the wider public. It’s not just about looking the part, it’s about cultivating a shared sense of identity and respect.