The Weirdest Small Towns Across the United States

Bizarre Small Towns in America

In the domain of all things weird, the United States boasts an impressive track record. Spanning over 2,680 miles from one coast to the other, the vast expanse of this country provides ample room for an array of small towns to truly embody and cultivate their own unique brands of eccentricity. From purported UFO sightings to peculiar art installations, from a one-resident city to a one-building township, the American countryside is an interesting canvas with bizarre nooks and quirky crannies! For the bold-hearted enthusiasts, here’s a comprehensive list of the weirdest small towns across the United States.

Centralia, PA – The Hot Town

In 1981, Centralia in Pennsylvania bustled with 1,000 people. By 2010, it was a ghost town, home to only a dwindling dozen. The reason is a coal mine fire, dormant since 1962, that simply refused to sleep. Sinkholes yawned open, toxic smoke shrouded the streets, and even the highway itself ran hot to the touch. The relentless inferno, burning for decades, was estimated to endure for another 250 years.

Centralia, PA – The Hot Town

But if, for some uncanny reason, you fancy a home amidst this blaze, you’re in tough luck! Pennsylvania’s hand of authority seized the land in 1992 and condemned the town. Those who remained were permitted to stay, but only until their departure marked the final chapter in Centralia’s fiery tale.

Whittier, AK – The City of One Building

Have you ever heard of a town with just one building? 58 miles southeast of Anchorage in Alaska lies a unique town where everyone resides together in an all-in-one building.

Whittier, AK – The City of One Building

The 14-story Begich Towers houses Whittier’s 214 residents. Over time, the tower expanded to encompass a post office, store, video rental shop, playground, bed and breakfast, and health center. With the basic amenities, it’s a distinctive and close-knit community in every sense.

Monowi, NE – One Is All it Takes

It’s a town with a population of one! Unbelievably, just one solitary figure stands alone in Monowi, Nebraska. Elsie Eiler, once accompanied by her husband Rudy until his passing in 2004, is the town’s lone resident.

Monowi, NE – One Is All it Takes

Remarkably, Eiler serves as the town’s leader, keeps the entertainment establishment afloat, and presides as the sole librarian. As of 2011, Elsie, in her octogenarian years, raises the question of what the future holds for this unique town.

Colma, CA – The City of Souls

Colma in California, covering a mere two square miles, boasts an astonishing 17 cemeteries. This San Mateo County enclave has earned the moniker “City of Souls,” with a staggering 2 million passed residents – compared to just 1,200 living ones.

Colma, CA – The City of Souls

During the eras of luminaries like William Randolph Hearst and Wyatt Earp, who themselves found their final rest there, Colma became the chosen destination to transport bodies from San Francisco, ensuring space for the dearly departed.